
Blogs of Note

Amy Wellborn has a posting titled Blogs of Note, and from there I have discovered a few I would like to bring to your attention. It's like exploring a far-off land; there's new discoveries around every corner, and finding one blog leads to a whole list of new blogs leads to another...

Being or Nothingness - this one is written by a student of the Communion&Liberation movement
But I Digress- looks a tad familiar, hm?
Dreadnought- to be read with caution: the writing is excellent but some of the photos are graphic

Do yourself a favor and scroll through the blogrolls in the margins. Many good ideas are being expressed in all sorts of places. Also-- reading the comments attached to each post at each of these blogs also leads one into very fascinating discussions, sometimes extreme, but generally rewarding. And each person who attaches a comment has to provide the link to their website-- so it's just a neverending tour of the Blogosphere!

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