
Quick follow-ups

I mentioned in the last post that Colleen Carroll Campbell's column in the OSV is worth reading. In the Nov.21 issue, she proves herself most admirably. Here's an excerpt:

"With the widespread acceptance of artificial contraception- and its later collision with the sexual revolution, no-fault divroce, and the gay rights movement- sex became separated from procreation in the American mind, and marriage lost its intrinsic connection to children and lifelong commitment. To many, that separation seemed harmless, even liberating. But in the past few decades, we have experienced its unintended consequences: rising divorce rates; more births out of wedlock; more couples choosing cohabitation over marriage; and increasingly debauched popular culture that regards marriage as a lifestyle choice with no inherent meaning of its own. "

Preach it, sister!!!

Secondly, I would like to follow my Nov.3rd posting with a commentary on the awful Specter looming on my horizon. Oh the irony, that Arlen should be so aptly named! If the Republican senatorial majority do not pick someone else to head the Judiciary committee, the whole project is doomed. Leaving the fate of our nation in the hands of Republicans is terrifying enough, and the only tangible pay-off would be a balanced Judiciary; if Arlen gets chosen, let's hope nothing more deleterious comes of it.

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