
Baptism of the Lord

Another epiphany moment, this feastday celebrates the Majesty of Christ the Redeemer, the Beloved Son "with Whom the Father is well pleased."

To borrow, predictably, from one of my favorite websites:

"Jesus descended into the River to sanctify its waters and to give them the power to beget sons of God. The event takes on the importance of a second creation in which the entire Trinity intervenes. In the Eastern Church, this feast is called Theophany, because at the baptism of Christ in the River Jordan, God appeared in three persons. The baptism of John was a sort of sacramental preparatory for the Baptism of Christ. It moved men to sentiments of repentance and induced them to confess their sins. Christ did not need the baptism of John. Although He appeared in the 'substance of our flesh' and was recognized 'outwardly like unto ourselves', He was absolutely sinless and impeccable. He conferred upon the water the power of the true Baptism which would remove all the sins of the world: 'Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who takes away the sin of the world'."
Reflect on what your Baptism has meant for you in your life and journey towards Christ. Do you truly live the vows you (or your Godparents) made that day?

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