
Albino Luciani, smile with us!

According to Zenit, the cause of Pope John Paul I has concluded its diocesan phase, and now rests in the discernment of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints.

We were deprived the opportunity to get to know His Holiness in such a brief span as 33 days. Yet in that time, he produced a small opus of wisdom in the few documents promulgated before his death: the homily at his inauguration, the general audiences, and the letters to various people. In 33 days, he touched upon every relevant topic of the day with grace, humility, and many smiles.

On Sept. 20, 1978, he addressed in a general audience the Virtue of Christian Hope, wherein he instructs: "In the course of the centuries there have also appeared from time to time affirmations and tendencies of Christians that were too pessimistic with regard to man. But these affirmations were disapproved of by the Church and were forgotten, thanks to a host of joyful and hardworking saints, to Christian humanism, to the ascetic teachers, and to a comprehensive theology. St. Thomas Aquinas, for example, puts among the virtues jucunditas, or the capacity of changing things heard and seen into a cheerful smile...When St.Thomas declared that joking and making people smile was a virtue, he was in agreement with the 'glad tidings' preached by Christ, and with the hilaritas preached by St. Augustine. He overcame pessismism, clothed Christian life in joy, and invited us to keep up our courage also with the healthy, pure joys which we meet on our way."

May the soul of this dear man be received into the Pure Joy of Eternal Life, and may his cause be blessed through the work of the Holy Spirit. Thus we pray:

"O Lord,
Be always near me. Rest your hand on my head,
but make me also hold my head under your hand.

Take me as I am, with my defects, with my sins,
but transform me as you will and as I also desire.

With these words your Servant Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I, prayed to you.

His desire for holiness was heard: he became your generous and faithful disciple,
and you willed that he be your Shepherd and Vicar for the Universal Church.

He had the grace to be an exemplary communicator- to give us, in simplicity and joy, what is true, beautiful and good,

Make me aspire to what you desire, also in the particular graces I ask for:

Following the example of the Servant of God, make me communicate intensely with you and with my neighbor to receive and to give, with humility and simplicity, the light and love that radiate from You. Amen."

+ Giuseppe Andrich
Bishop of Belluno-Feltre

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Good post. I never knew Albino Luciani, but I hope that he is canonized soon along with Pope John Paul II.

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