
School of LOVE

Zenit shares the three stages Papst Benedict teaches for the Discovery of Love:

1. "The first stage is learning that God himself is love, as St. John explains. "

2. "The second stage is knowing love in all its magnitude as revealed by Christ, especially on the cross."

3. "The third stage is realizing that love longs to be shared: 'Christ cried out from the cross: I am thirsty (John 19:28). This shows us his burning thirst to love and to be loved by each one of us.'"

"It is only by coming to perceive the depth and intensity of such a mystery that we can realize the need and urgency to love him as he has loved us. This also entails the commitment to even give our lives, if necessary, for our brothers and sisters sustained by love for him."

"Above all, the Eucharist is the great school of love," he explains. "When we participate regularly and with devotion in Holy Mass, when we spend a sustained time of adoration in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, it is easier to understand the length, breadth, height and depth of his love that goes beyond all knowledge (cf. Ephesians 3:17-18). "

By sharing the Eucharistic Bread with our brothers and sisters of the Church community, we feel compelled, like Our Lady with Elizabeth, to render 'in haste' the love of Christ into generous service towards our brothers and sisters."

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