
Meeting Jesus

It's not so much a biography that he wrote as it is a BIBLIOgraphy. He introduces you to the Word of God, which is really apt considering He is the Logos after all.

When I visited a Reform Jewish temple, the rabbi's wife showed us the scrolls of the Torah. They wrapped the Torah in a garment of royal blue velvet, and kept it in a special house of its own. The Torah wore a little crown. I mused at the time on how the Jewish people revere the Word of God as though it were an actual person.

"Much like Catholics revere the Real Presence in the Eucharist", I thought at the time. We house our Logos in the tabernacle and dress it in royal garments of embroidered cloth.

So this notion that, in walking us through the Bible, His Holiness is introducing us to the person of Jesus Christ, is as old as the Bible itself. For Holy Scripture is the testament of God's Revelation of Himself through history. Pope Benedict does the same thing the Apostle did with the Ethiopian eunuch on the road outside Jerusalem, which is the same thing Paul and Barnabas did in the Temple, which is the same thing Christ did on the road to Emmaus: unveil Jesus in the whole of Scripture.

1 comment:

Monster Librarian said...

I met Jesus once...he worked at the grocery store. I said "Hey Jesus!" seeing his nametag. And he said, "Actually it is Hay-seus!"
I didn't know Dr. Seuss had a cousin in MI!

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