
From my Beloved

“Opening their treasures they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh” (Mt 2:11). The gifts that the Magi offered the Messiah symbolized true worship. With gold, they emphasized his Royal Godhead; with incense, they acknowledged him as the priest of the New Covenant; by offering him myrrh, they celebrated the prophet who would shed his own blood to reconcile humanity with the Father.

My dear young people, you too offer to the Lord the gold of your lives, namely, your freedom to follow him out of love, responding faithfully to his call; let the incense of your fervent prayer rise up to him, in praise of his glory; offer him your myrrh, that is your affection of total gratitude to him, true Man, who loved us to the point of dying as a criminal on Golgotha."

Pope Benedict XVI
God’s Revolution, Ignatius Press

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