
Hail Mary

I've had some lovely moments meditating with Mary during this, her month. Praying the Rosary can so easily become a tedious project that I hesitate to do it every day. Yet, this month, I've dedicated myself to the goal of meeting Mary in prayer each day-- and when I miss a day, I feel it. Like forgetting to call your mom on Mother's Day, missing a day of the Rosary hurts her feelings and she communicates her disappointment.

I most often miss the Glorious days, Wednesday and Sunday. When I pray the Joyful mysteries, I pray with the Saints: Elizabeth and John, Gabriel and Joseph, Simon and Anna. When I pray the Sorrowful Mysteries, I use the Montfort method: during the decades, at the name of Jesus, you state what's happening--"...the fruit of your womb, Jesus in Agony, Holy Mary..."

For the Luminous Thursday I like to be outside or in Adoration. And for the Glorious I like to use the Scriptural Rosary because of the acclamations, "I am the Rose of Sharon, I am the Lily of the Valley; You are the fairest honor of our race!" When I finally do get around to keeping my Wednesday commitment, it will be so good to reverence Mary as Queen of Heaven, Queen of the May.

I found this wonderful reflection on Mary, Full of Grace at the CERC. Find a time to meet your Mother this month and bathe yourself in her graces.

1 comment:

sunnyamylynn said...

I still love the t-shirt I once saw that said on the front, "Call your Mother..." and on the back, "Pray the Rosary."

What a fantastic Marian reflection.

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