
Why stand vigil?

To be totally honest, I never wanted to go pray
outside an abortion facility.

But there are good reasons why any 40 Days for Life
campaign must include a constant vigil outside the
places where innocent human beings are put to death.

That one fact is reason enough -- children are dying
inside those buildings, which are often innocent
looking store fronts or locations well hidden in
otherwise innocuous office parks.

Many people do not know that abortions are being done
in their communities. The vigil brings attention to
this, and as people begin to gain knowledge about the
existence of abortion in their neighborhoods, they
become increasingly uncomfortable.

The abortion industry does not like publicity. They
become very uncomfortable as word spreads of what
they had been doing in relative secret.

And they know that the presence of people peacefully
praying outside their doors is bad for business.

The most important reason, however, to stand in vigil
outside the abortion facilities is to show the women
entering the clinics, the family members and friends
who accompany them -- and yes, even the people who
work there -- that people care about them and are
praying for them.

Women contemplating abortion often feel abandoned --
by the fathers of their children, by their families,
even by their friends. They resort to abortion
because they feel they have no one to support them.

When they see people quietly, peacefully praying
outside the clinic, they come to realize that they're
not alone.

When they first began thinking about abortion, it was
because they had no hope. The vigil can help restore
that hope.

When people went to Jesus with stories of those who
were suffering, He didn't just say a prayer or two
and walk on. He went to those people. He went to
their homes. He gave of Himself to comfort them and
offer them hope.

So must we.
-David Bereit

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