
Demonic Possession

takes many forms. Hatred and Fear gave birth to Slavery and its stepsister, Eugenics.

"After the war, eugenics became a discredited science because of its association with the Third Reich (Eugenics Stigmatization of eugenics). The movement would have all but died if it were not for Frederick Osborn. Osborn knew that the old strategies would no longer be effective; thus, he began a new eugenics movement that would later be called “crypto-eugenics.”

The essence of this strategy was to no longer promote eugenics openly but to achieve their objectives through other organizations (Cavanaugh-O’Keefe, The Roots Chapter Ten). By selectively pouring their money into other movements, they could still remove the unfit from society by utilizing the public’s naiveté of what the organization’s true motives were. Their goal was still the same as the Nazis’, but they would pursue it in a way that would not lead to another Nuremburg Trial.

One of the main groups eugenicists began to conspire with were the birth control advocates. Birth control emerged just after the eugenics movement took off in the early 1910s. It was promoted and expanded mostly through the work of its founder Margaret Sanger. Sanger was a Malthusian eugenicist who believed the “dead weight of human waste” should be “eliminate[d]” (Green “Malthusian Eugenics”).

Besides birth control, she advocated sterilization and eugenics. She did not openly support abortion due Havelock Ellis’s suggestion that “society was not quite ready for it” (Hunt, Perfecting Humankind 2). Her paper, The Birth Control Review, was used not just to promote birth control but eugenic interests. In one edition, an extreme white supremacist eugenic book by Lothrop Stoddard was recommended to the readers (Who was Margaret Sanger?).

Sanger’s American Birth Control Federation, which would eventually become Planned Parenthood, was founded in 1922 and soon began its work at supplying birth control and targeting the undesirables. By 1930, Sanger had a clinic in the heart of Harlem. She taught them that birth control, not better prenatal care, would produce healthier children (Green “The Harlem Clinic”). From that point on, Sanger would continue to open clinics in strategic high-minority, low-income areas.

During the early forties, Margaret Sanger instituted The Negro Project. The goal was to pull African American leaders and preachers into the movement so as to make the black community embrace the concepts birth control. In a letter she wrote to her cohort Dr. Clarence Gamble, she said, “we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out the idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members” (Green “Web of Deceit”).

Despite Sanger’s belief that birth control creates a door for the eugenicist, the two movements had yet to formally connect. This was due to the fact that Sanger was a strong advocate of negative eugenics, not positive eugenics (Black 135). She was a die-hard feminist and liberal sex crusader that thought multiple children were a chain and ball on female independence (Grant 73-75). But as post-World War II eugenicists searched for avenues to funnel their vice, Planned Parenthood became a worthy candidate.

In a speech Frederick Osborn gave at the annual Galton Lecture in 1956, he said, “Let’s stop telling everyone that they have generally inferior genetic qualities for they will never agree. Lets base our proposals on the desirability of having children in homes where they will get affectionate and responsible care, and perhaps our proposals will be accepted” and that from this rebirth we may “see [eugenics] moving at last toward the high goals which Galton set for it” (Cavanaugh-O’Keefe, The Roots Chapter Ten).

The Eugenics Society of England followed the American leaders and began funding the Family Planning Association and the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Not surprisingly, when the IPPF opened in 1952, it was headquartered in the Eugenics Society offices (Cavanaugh-O’Keefe, Introduction “Crypto Eugenics”).

The American Eugenics Society played out their scheme through an organization that they created themselves. The veterans and rookies came together in 1952 to found the Population Council. With mainly Rockefeller’s money, they funded the research for a more effective birth control (The Roots Chapter Ten).

The money was funneled into two main types of birth control research: the oral birth control pill and the IUD (intrauterine device). During the early 1950s, Planned Parenthood and the Population Council funded research to duplicate the sex hormone, which led to the creation of the pill in 1956. After testing it on humans in Puerto Rico, it entered the United States market in 1960.

The Population Council began focusing on the IUD after Alan Guttmacher, the previous America Eugenics Society Vice President and current President of Planned Parenthood, suggested it (Cavanaugh-O’Keefe, The Roots Chapter Eleven). To eugenicists, the IUD was perfect because once inserted, women would not have children for years.

The legality of birth control and contraception had been up to the states since the early 1900s. This caused a problem for the new eugenic backed movements. Thus Planned Parenthood went against the no contraceptives law in Connecticut by opening a clinic in hopes to reverse the law. The case Griswold v. Connecticut made its way up to the Supreme Court where the majority ruled that the Connecticut law was unconstitutional because it defied a married couple’s right to privacy (Griswold v. Connecticut Introduction).

The right to privacy clause was justified by the court as a “penumbra,” opening a Pandora’s box that eventually led to the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decision eight years later. This case is a clear example of the judicial activism that is still being battled in our courts today. Contraception and birth control was now legal for married couples and would be made legal for the unmarried in the 1972 case Eisenstadt v. Baird (Subsequent Jurisprudence).

From the beginning, hormonal birth control was based on deception. Hormonal birth control (the Pill, the Minipill, IUD, Norplant, the morning-after-pill, Depo-Provera, RU-486) has always had three possible functions. The first, often most confused as the only function, is to prevent ovulation. If the first function fails, a possible second function is to thicken the mucus of the cervix so that the sperm cannot reach the egg. The third function, a function which all hormone based contraception has, is to thin the lining of the uterus so that the fertilized egg, the baby, is not able to implant in the uterus lining and is thus aborted (Alcorn 323-326, 332).

In early 1960, both Alan Guttmacher and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists defined conception as the moment of fertilization, or when the egg meets the sperm. This caused a problem because abortion was illegal then, making their pill and the IUD illegal. So in order to make their birth control, or what they falsely called contraception, legal, they altered the definition of conception.

By 1970, both changed their position and claimed that conception begins with fertilization and ends with implantation in the uterus. In other words, it was not a baby until it was implanted into the uterus (Cavanaugh-O’Keefe, The Roots Chapter Eleven). To this day, America is aborting millions of babies in the name of contraception."

[Bound 4 LIFE has a list of works cited]

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