
Lectio definitive

The Synod fathers have mentioned on more than a few occasions the practice of lectio divina as a pathway to deeper intimacy with Christ.

After reading this impressive post from the 195th Catholic Carnival, I thought I'd put together some other resources on reading the Word of God with care:

A Benedictine's approach

A traditional approach

A thoughtful approach

An academic approach

Two bloggers that really delve meaningfully into the Scriptures are listed in the margin. Penitens always posts the reading for the day with commentary and Abbot Joseph's beautiful unfoldings yield much food for thought.

If you've never visited Scott Hahn's website and pursued one of his online courses, I can't reccomend it enough.

Finally, please note the link to Biblia Clerus, with its compendiums and multiple scripture resources for the clergy.

Celebrate the Pauline Year in a meaningful way by making the Word of God a special guest in your heart and home!

p.s. I am loving this blogger. Read his older posts-- there are some gems !

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