
Saints in heaven! (and in the making)

This really is quite a week for hagiophiles.

Monday was the Feast of the Archangels. I normally eat angel food cake that day, but this year I taste-tested wedding cake for the upcoming event.

Tuesday was St. Jerome, who transcribed the Word of God, making it accessible to the widespread and vulgar masses.

Today is St. Therese, the Doctor of la Vie Petit. She was an angelic soul.

Thursday we honor our Guardian Angels.

Next we have another angelic soul, St. Francis, followed by St. Faustina, who transcribed the message of Divine Mercy in her diary, making it accessible to a world hungry for that message.

Let's celebrate this week by dedicating our lives to Christ. Let's ponder Scripture with St. Paul, practice Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, and trust in the protection of He who commands the Angels. Let's pray the Rosary this month, adore the Real Presence, and do everything Saints have done for centuries.

Let's adopt the missionary zeal expressed in the Holy Father's intentions for this month: "That in this month dedicated to the missions, through the promotional activities of the Pontifical Missionary Works and other organisms, every Christian community may feel the need to participate in the Church's universal mission with prayer, sacrifice and concrete help".

In other words, let's be Catholic!!!

I love October.

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