
Dying to Self

Jen writes about this very Lenten theme on her blog, Conversion Diary. She also writes about the Saint Diet and how abstaining from food, or avoiding gluttony, has helped her become a better person.

Word Incarnate has some words of wisdom about fasting: "Fasting is devoid of spiritual value if it is performed as an 'ascetical feat,' as a pharisaical attention-getter or ego-builder, or as an excuse to neglect love of neighbor...Even though bodily fasting is difficult, the asceticism of charity and of living in God’s truth is much more demanding. It’s too easy merely to skip a meal or two, consider your spiritual obligations to have been thus discharged, and then continue to be selfish, arrogant and inconsiderate. True fasting must effect an inner conversion, manifested in outer goodness and love. Like all spiritual disciplines, if fasting doesn’t reach the heart it will be fruitless."

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