
Dear papst

A fantasy [that people have, of possessing] property takes no account of the fact that, for the great majority of mankind, life is a struggle.  On those grounds I would see this idea of choosing one's own path in life as a selfish attitude and as a waste of one's vocation.  Anyone who thinks he already has it all, so that he can take what he wants and center everything on himself is depriving himself of giving what he otherwise could.

Man is not there to make himself, but to respond to demands made upon him.  We all stand in a great arena of history and are dependent upon each other.  A man ought not, therefore, just try to figure out what he would like, but to ask what he can do, and how he can help.  Then he will see that fulfillment does not lie in comfort, ease and following one's inclinations, but precisely in allowing demands to be made upon one, in taking the harder path. Everything else turns out somehow boring, anyway.  Only the man who "risks the fire", who recognizes a calling within himself, a vocation, and ideal he must satisfy, who takes on real responsibility, will find fulfillment. It is not in taking, not on the path of comfort that we become rich, but only in giving.

-found at Catholic Education

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