

"Even more fundamentally, the Church’s teachings speak to this present generation because she’s not just repeating the same old teachings in the same old way. Rather, she has found a new and powerful language with which to articulate her ancient understanding of spousal love. That language is called the theology of the body, and it is the reason why younger Catholics are more fully on-board with the Church’s teachings about contraception than their older counterparts. It’s a language we can understand and that resonates with our experience of love.
That experience tells us that the human body, when it gives itself in love to another person, speaks a language of self-gift. It says, “I give myself to you, forever and completely.” Contraception turns that statement into a lie. It warps the gift, denying the primary purpose of spousal love (the creation of new life) and preventing the two from fully giving themselves to each other. Each is holding something back—namely, their ability to create new life.
Contraception also opens the floodgates for innumerable problems, making it easier for men and women to be promiscuous, adulterous, and use the person they are supposed to be loving. It profoundly changes people’s understanding of the sexual act, allowing them to bifurcate sex from procreation and love from responsibility. It also blurs the image of Trinitarian life—a communion of total self-gift between life-giving Lovers—that spousal love is designed to be.
So very much about God, man, and creation is revealed by the union of male and female as man and wife. Contraception has truncated that revelation and is indeed one of the reasons our culture is in the state it’s in. Its acceptance, not to mention its advocacy by some Catholics, has created untold theological and societal problems, and Catholics who are living the Church’s teachings see that."
-Emily Stimpson may be replacing Colleen Campbell as my latest Catholic 'crush'

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