
Citizen of the Kingdom or America?

In an article titled "How the American Dream Killed Discipleship" we find this:

If we believe the values of Jesus, then we must live as he did. He values:
  • Others over himself
  • Humility over pride
  • The meaning of suffering over what comfort gains us
  • Faithfulness over success
  • Spiritual poverty over material success
  • Evangelizing others over social status
  • Serving others over being served
  • Community/relationships over power/prestige
Let us be clear, there is nothing innately wrong with having a nice house, being financially successful, having worldly power, etc. - as long as they are placed at the service of following Jesus. But let us be honest in this moment - how many of us are willing to give it all up for the sake of the Gospel? How many are willing to suffer and die for Jesus?

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