
Darn tootin

The Stream makes a fascinating observation:

Third, the Motion Picture Association of America gave Unplanned an R rating. This strikes me as curious. After all, movies get an R rating for four reasons: sex, nudity, foul language, and violence. Of these four, Unplanned has only violence, which is an abortion scene depicted through an ultrasound.

But here’s the oddity. According to Hollywood, abortion does not involve the destruction of a human life, but merely the removal of tissue. Thus, if abortion is merely a surgical procedure, why would it be considered an act of violence? But on the other hand, if it is an act of violence, then the unborn cannot be considered merely a blob of tissue.

Here’s the bottom line: Either the unborn are human, and the movie deserves an R rating for violence. Or the unborn are not human, and so deserves a PG rating. The choice of an R rating suggests the MPAA knows abortion really is the destruction of a human life.

Read the rest.

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