
Gentle men

Caryll Houselander writes of Peace:

How is it then that peace is so rare, even in our soul?  It may be because we lack the courage without which true peace is unattainable, and with or without which the pseudo-peace we have built up in our imagination is unattainable.... The condition of peace is courage, but the moments in which we most long for it are those when courage seems most difficult.  When all that we want is to loosen our hold, to throw off responsibility, to rest.  We want not a sword, but a lap big enough to bury our head on. 
It is comforting then to realize that the courage peace demands is in fact to relax, to throw all our care into the lap of God.  It means that we must take the risk of trusting God's love, believing Christ's word, loving one another...

This is a sentiment very nearly like the notion that St. Joseph's strength and virility is shown in his gentility and peace.

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