
Love this day

Happy Marriage Week!

Happy St.Valentine's Day-- the patron saint of marriages.


Amy Welborn found this: https://www.facebook.com/chad.pecknold/posts/3703387269737692

In addition to reminding everyone that there is a grave for St. Valentine, the author of that post has this to say, a reminder of what love actually is:

The medieval tradition of courtly love develops on this basis, including the tradition of sending secret notes to a Beloved. Much playful invention came from this — including our kids passing Valentine’s Day Cards to one another — but all of these traditions flow from the sublime truth we associate with Valentine’s life: God's love is the proper bond between a man and a woman.
Today, Valentine’s Day sadly obscures divine charity from our view. We are confused about love. We are confused about the nature of human love, and where it comes from, and where it is going. ..
But the reality to which the saint bore witness in his very martyrdom is no myth. It exists. God’s love exists. And our only hope is to become united to it, as a man and woman do in the sacrament of marriage, and as the saint did through his perfect conformity to Christ in martyrdom.

What is this divine love that the saint died to defend? St. Paul VI has the answer:

because we are made out of love we are made for love: love that is free – not simply acting upon passions but fully human and intelligent; we are made for love that is total – that seeks the good of the other and holds nothing back; love that is faithful and love that bears fruit in the lives of others.  These are Paul VI’s four characteristics of authentic human love.  It’s the only love that satisfies: free, total, faithful, and fruitful.https://www.pureinheartamerica.org/blog/2018/10/29/the-only-love-that-satisfies-free-total-faithful-fruitful

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