
Pots and Kettles

"There is a wider picture behind the debate, sometimes not appreciated outside Poland. John Paul II helped to shape the nation’s post-communist destiny. His legacy is therefore a proxy for arguments about whether the country should hew to its Catholic traditions or fully embrace Western secular modernity."

I'm not sure I agree with The Pillar that such mindsets aren't at play in Catholic-liberal Boston's motive for opening this can of worms back in the day. People like to imply that rigid traditionalists are the ones who became predators, even though it's McCarrick's 'nephews' who have ascended the ranks today. 

The majority of abuse was committed by priests who were part of modernizing the Church. The younger priests wanting more traditionalism and who came to their vocations in the post-scandal era are the fruit of the JPII pontificate. Those who equate traditionalism with homosexual tendencies are in denial of the facts. It was the priests of the 1970s cultural revolution who abused young men so frequently, with such abandon. The scandal and its revelations are the fruit of an era that embraced liberation and liberation theology. Those who equate rigidity with ephebophilic tendencies are barking up the wrong tree.

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