
NFP Awareness Week

One of the things I learned about the contraceptive pill is that when it works effectively, it prevents the nourishing layer to build up in the uterine lining of the womb and thus prevents implantation of a human baby at the embryonic stage. Essentially, the genetically distinct human individual who began life in the fallopian tube journeys down to the uterus and perishes there because of a lack of nourishment. To me, being pro-life literally means being anti-contraceptive.

Knowing that and then reading this article has helped me to see the connection between all of these heated issues: children at the border, children in the womb, and assisted suicide. What is the difference between depriving nourishment to a child at the border, a child in the womb, or a child in the hospital bed?


"Johnson said the border crisis presents an opportunity to the pro-life movement to step up and prove that they are supportive of life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death."

I would wholeheartedly agree. Every human life means every human life, even if that human life has only just begun and the contraceptive pill is going to snuff out that life by preventing its being nourished in the womb.

God is not sterile, but fertile, and we live the Image of God by not preventing fertility, by not preventing the giver of Life from doing just that.

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