
The Accomplished Father

 I believe that after the crisis of [1968], in the Western World, I would say there was something similar: there was a need for a strong example in the family – for family figures. The breakdown of the family led to the killing [metaphorically] of the ‘father’…. A generation of [figurative] ‘father killers,’ needed an example of what it means to be a father.  If we are speaking about ‘fathers,’ we understand that we are speaking about authority, or how to live in relationships of authority and so on. I would say that John Paul II gave to the world this image of an “accomplished fatherhood,” so to speak. And for me, it is very important.
-rector of new St. JPII Institute of Culture, from an interview with Zenit, on the centenary

Again, I have always said that the 1970s were the nadir of human civilization and culture.

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