
Weaponized Ambiguity

  My favorite apologist uses this phrase to describe the papacy of Pope Francis, and it is one of the most accurate descriptions ever applied:

My first reaction to some of Pope Francis' stranger statements was to "popesplain" — "Surely, he did not mean that literally," or, "We have to understand the context in which he was speaking." But as time went on, it grew more and more difficult.  As Bishop Schneider put it, it became an exercise in mental acrobatics.

Thus, I too struggle with the current situation. My instinct is always to love the Pope, to support his vision and be of one heart and mind with him.  But with all the controversies, scandals and weaponized ambiguity of the past five years, I find myself reeling.  I seek a new balance that shows respect for the Holy Father while also respecting my obligation to teach the faithful exactly what the Church teaches, from the depths of our Catholic tradition, with clarity and love.

Keep praying for the Pope, but remember that he is of a generation that knows almost nothing about the teaching of Catholicism, and they were not raised on the CCC, and it shows. 

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