

The New York Times analyzes the current crime wave taking place in our country and its uniquely American features: 

Criminologists and historians who have studied past crime waves — like Gary LaFree, Richard Rosenfeld and Randolph Roth — point out that they often occur when people are feeling frustrated with society, government and their fellow citizens. This frustration can feed a breakdown in societal norms and a rise in what the sociologist Émile Durkheim called “anomie.”

By many measures, Americans are feeling frustrated with their government, their economy and their fellow citizens. Nearly 80 percent are dissatisfied with the country’s direction, according to Gallup. People spend hours screaming at one another on social media. Many Americans consider people with opposing political ideas to be so wrong that they don’t deserve the right to express their views. Polls also show an alarming degree of skepticism about democracy and openness to political violence.

Along with these signs of alienation, a wide range of behavior has deteriorated. Alcohol abuse and drug overdoses have increased. Americans’ blood pressure is up, and measures of mental health are down. Vehicle crashes have surged.

In each of these cases, the pandemic seems to be playing a role: The trends either began or accelerated shortly after Covid overwhelmed daily life in the spring of 2020. But the pandemic appears to be only part of the story.

It seems that the Times, being liberal, is unwilling to court the idea that frustration with government and breakdown of societal norms has anything to do with liberal political agendas of late. Instead the author blames it on Trump. Yet, the data he compiles is inarguable. 

(We should not turn to sociologists like Durkheim for solutions, however; they do not employ a correct worldview with which to assess society)

Anomie results from a lack of civility when civil servants fail to seek the Common Good. When what your political ideology demands does not align with what is just for human souls, then you need to correct your political ideology. That is what it means to have active lay participation in the Church. Catholics in both parties are not influencing their parties to align with what is just and right. 

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