
Boomer 'tude

"Disbelief in the Christian revelation is, for most people, not a matter of philosophical argument or historical evidence, it is simply a matter of desire: a desire not to believe, and almost invariably not to be judged, especially in matters of sexual morality.

Secularization in the West is, in effect, an alternative faith, entirely fictitious, subjective, and driven by short-term self-interest. And while it poses as progressive – the Science! – it’s instead the path of moral, intellectual, and cultural decadence, where adolescent attitudes rule, reason is forfeit, objective truth denied, and moral law abandoned."

This is why people lose their belief in the Church at 13. If it feels so good, it can't possibly be sinful.

But we had the largest group of humans turning 13 at the same time, and hence, the 1960s, leading to the nadir of human civilization, the 1970s.

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