
New Discovery

I read Scott Hahn's conversion story, "Rome Sweet Home", a number of years ago- and I'm ashamed to admit I haven't read anything by him since (except articles in various periodicals). He has produced a multitude of essential texts no Catholic should be without. I've watched each of them arrive on bookshelves and never felt the need to read any of them. I suppose I have such confidence of the quality and veracity of his teaching I've never felt the need to actually read what's there.

My erstwhile relationship with the pages of Scripture could be similarly described. I've always maintained that the Scripture I hear at Mass (the proper context) is sufficient. Plus I've sung in choir many years, and the Word of the Lord is present in the songs that come to mind through the week.

I've never felt I was missing out until I discovered www.SalvationHistory.com, the online address of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, another brainchild of Hahn. They provide marvelous resources, accessibly written and easily navigated.

Hahn's presentation of Scripture renders its every clue within a broad, comprehensive context. His typology is really topology, and every foothold worth grasping. I feel like I can clamber and shimmy and wade through acres of sacred text when he's at the wheel. I invite you to explore this gem, as I shall happily be doing from now on.

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