
Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

"And Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart..."

Mary had much to ponder in the days after the Nativity; not only had Elizabeth greeted her as the "Mother of my Lord" when she was still pregnant, but the Shepherds had only just been proclaiming tidings of great joy, and the Magi were soon to follow with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Tremendous goings-on for a little infant boy who was about to be circumcised!

Today we have the opportunity to ponder with Mary. What must all this mean? On the one hand people are bowing to the babe as they would a King while on the other hand he's subject to the same laws as the rest of us. Herein we find the importance of commemorating the day when Jesus was circumcised (eight days after birth according to Luke 2:21). Jesus came as a healthy Hebrew boy to fulfill the Mosaic Law and the Prophetic tradition. He would be indelibly marked as a son of God in the Covenant of Abraham, as all Hebrew boys are marked. He would be Emmanuel in all ways-- spirit, mind, and FLESH.

We find an important teaching about Law in these ponderings. Of all the boys in Hebrewdom, who could possibly have been less needful of circumcision than God Incarnate? And yet, God modeled for us how a true son obeys by acquiescing to His own law. But ponderings on the Law are not all this day affords the attentive disciple; to borrow from the folks at American Catholic:

"Other themes come together at today’s celebration. It is the Octave of Christmas: Our remembrance of Mary’s divine motherhood injects a further note of Christmas joy. It is a day of prayer for world peace: Mary is the mother of the Prince of Peace. It is the first day of a new year: Mary continues to bring new life to her children—who are also God’s children."
As we go forward into the New Year, let us ask Mary, our Mother, to enfold us in prayer. Let us all learn to be the handmaidens of the Lord. Let us learn how we can better serve, honor, obey, and adore Him. Let us ponder all these things in our hearts, that we may grow in grace and virtue and be more like Mary.

Mother of God, hear our prayer~

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