
On Guard

As Gershwin says, I need to know that this lost lamb has someone to watch over him.

Even though they're seperate feastdays, I like to celebrate all the Angels at the end of September-- but the Guardian Angels should not be overlooked nor taken for granted. My friend writes:

"It had never dawned on me that I could call on my guardian angel to help
me understand and come to know God's path for me. I always remember them when I am at the end of my rope, out of patience, frightened or facing a tough
situation. Not until today did I realize that my prayers and thoughts about my
everyday life are being guarded and 'fought' for too!"


Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. (smiling honored to be on the blog...)

Enbrethiliel said...


Nice little tribute! Antony approves. ;)

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