
No, really, is she married?

I tell ya, I LOVE this woman! Love 'er. You'll note she's listed in the left margin. And the left side is what?...closest to the heart...anywho...

Colleen Carroll Campbell (or CCC as I've affectionately dubbed her) as quoted at an NRO Symposium:

Editor’s note: This weekend, Time magazine announced that you are it’s Man of the Year. In other words, they didn’t come up with one. National Review Online asked a group of commentators: “Did Time’s editors cop out? If you were to pick a man or woman of the year who would it be and why?” Their replies follow.

Colleen Carroll Campbell
I suspect that Time’s obsequious choice is the brainchild of the magazine’s marketing department – an ode to the power of the people, complete with a mirror to remind consumers that this magazine celebrates you. The real person of the year was included among the runners-up, but Time’s analysis of Pope Benedict XVI missed the mark by a mile. Resurrecting all the old caricatures — by calling him a “Panzer Cardinal” and one of the Catholic Church’s “most inflexible prelates” — the blurb accused Benedict of a “flip-flop” on Islam and pronounced his successful post-Regensburg trip to Turkey “a puzzlement.”

Far from it. Benedict is the world’s leading voice of reason on the problem of militant Islam. He is the only world leader bold enough to directly challenge Muslim clerics to stop condoning violence in God’s name while also inviting them into a genuine dialogue — one marked by mutual respect, honesty, and the rejection of violence as a solution to religious conflicts. He has also challenged the secular West to see the connection between faith and reason, and the danger of severing the link between the two. A relativistic culture that denies the existence of absolute truth has a tough time understanding a man like Benedict, but his success in Turkey proves that truth spoken in love bears far more fruit than flattery spoken in fear.

Colleen Carroll Campbell, an NRO contributor, is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a former speechwriter to President George W. Bush, and author of The New Faithful: Why Young Adults Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy. Her new television show, Faith & Culture, airs weekly on EWTN.

In other news, I nominate CCC as WOMan of the Year...

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