
Monsenor Martiro

Chris Blosser offers an unexpected look at the life of Oscar Romero, whom many anticipate will be declared a saint. He was killed while saying Mass at the Chapel of Divina Providencia in 1980. Here is an excerpt from an interview with a close friend of the Archbishop:

"The circumstances of his death still stun me today. His last Mass in the hospital chapel was a Mass for the dead: Romero read the lesson, it was the Gospel of John where Jesus says: 'The hour has come that the son of man be glorified'. I ask myself whether he knew in that moment that he was going to be killed. His sermon seems a testament, in which he compares himself with the grain of wheat which opens in the soil to give life. And so some people think that while he was preaching he saw his killer. Reading his last words, he almost seems to be asking the killer: 'Allow me to die when I go to the altar to offer the bread and wine'. And in fact he was able to finish his sermon and was killed at the start of the offertory, himself becoming the host of his sacrifice. It is a precious image, and his whole life and death can be seen in the light of it. He lived and died a priest, a pastor in love with Jesus Christ and his flock."

Why was he a prophet? Here's a sample, which seems best directed to the United States and those who preach a 'prosperity gospel' or 'feel-good' Christianity:

"A church that suffers no persecution but enjoys the privileges and support of the things of the earth - beware
! - is not the true church of Jesus Christ. A preaching that does not point out sin is not the preaching of the gospel. A preaching that makes sinners feel good, so that they are secured in their sinful state, betrays the gospel's call."

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