
Novena to the Angelic Doctor

St. Thomas, patron of students
"For in every way you have been enriched in him,
in speech and knowledge of every kind" (1 Cor 1:5)

St. Thomas, God called you to spend most of your life in academic pursuits, first as a student, and then as a professor of theology. In your work as a teacher, you desired to help your students apply what they learned to their lives, in order to grow in holiness. You realized that knowledge is meant to draw people closer to God. In your teaching you sought to communicate the truth, desiring to help your students become better Christians. Pray for all students. Pray for those who may have difficulty in their studies, as well as for those who can study with ease. Pray that they may all be open to the truth, and always seek to better under stand it. May they grow in knowledge so as to know God better and to be able to serve their brothers and sisters as the Lord desires. St. Thomas, pray especially for theologians, that in their studies and research they may come to a deeper knowledge of revealed doctrine in keeping with the mind of the Church. May their lives reflect the holiness of the Word of God which they seek to more fully under stand.

St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of students and Catholic schools,
I thank God for the gifts of light and knowledge He bestowed on you,
which you used to build up the Church in love.
I thank God, too, for the wealth and richness of theological teaching
you left in your writings.
Not only were you a great teacher, you lived a life of virtue
and you made holiness the desire of your heart.
If I cannot imitate you in the brilliance of your academic pursuits,
I can follow you in the humility and charity which marked your life.
As St. Paul said, charity is the greatest gift, and it is open to all.
Pray for me that I might grow in holiness and charity.
Pray also for Catholic schools, and for all students.
In particular, please obtain the favor I ask during this novena.
(mention your request)


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