
Diaconal Conscience

 “I like to meet you now, while you are deacons, because one does not become a pastor without first being a deacon. The diaconate does not disappear with priesthood: on the contrary, it is the foundation on which it is based. You will be priests in order to serve, conforming with Jesus who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life” (cf Mk 10:45). I would say, then, that that there is an inner foundation of priesthood to be preserved, which we could call “diaconal conscience”: just as conscience underlies decisions, so the spirit of service underlies being a priest.”- Pope Francis to those preparing for transitional diaconate


I find this delightfully affirmative of what I have explained to disciples in OCIA; namely, that what we experience on Sunday is the Mass in the Absence of a Deacon, except when the Pastor proclaims the Gospel, he is standing at the Ambo as a Deacon, not a Priest. 

But the idea that a good pastor has a Deacon's Conscience at his root. To this I would add he is employing his Feminine Genius as well. 

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