
Liturgy and Scripture

Today I listened to a series of talks given by Scott Hahn. He spoke about the Mass and its foundation in salvation history, the relation between the Trinity and the importance of the family, and the sacrament of CPR.

Of course the entire day was enthralling-- but the part that nabbed me most was the first talk in which Scott expounded on the history of the People of God as a description of liturgy, beginning with the seven days, moving through the various sacrifices and altars and priests, and from Calvary to the Book of Revelation,which is arranged in two recognizable parts: the word/scroll section and the eucharist/fulfillment section. As Scott says on his website:

"The Bible was made for the Liturgy and the Liturgy is where the Bible was meant to be proclaimed, expounded, interpreted and 'heard.' That's why, from the Sign of the Cross and the priest's greeting: 'The Lord be with you,' the Mass is one long biblical prayer - a tapestry woven from a fabric of biblical passages, phrases and allusions. This is no accident. In the Mass, the story of salvation told in the Bible continues - is made real and present - in our lives. "

His book, The Lamb's Supper, treats this subject thoroughly. I suggest you take his online course to understand more. What a blessing this man is to the Church and how fortunate am I to have listened to him in person!

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